Jan 27, 2022
Drs Austin and Austin join Dr. Butler for a conversation about their new book “Surviving and Thriving in Your Counseling Program,” and listen in as they talk about all the things they wish they would have known, how important and transformative the student counselor experience is, and how we can better support those...
Jan 20, 2022
Dr. Mark A. Stebnicki joins join Dr. Butler to talk about his new book Counseling Practice During Phases of a Pandemic Virus. They dive into the numerous mental health implications of the pandemic, some strategies for counselors to effectively work with impacted clients, and how counselors play a vital role...
Jan 13, 2022
Dr. Erik Hines speaks about his research findings on black males and sheds light on the responsibilities that school counselors and mental health professionals share in helping black males succeed in grades K-12, college, and beyond.
Jan 6, 2022
Dr. Kimberly N. Frazier, Ph.D., LPC, LMFT, NCC, the president elect of the American Counseling Association who will serve as the 71st ACA President from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023 shares her journey as a counselor, and her hopes for ACA as the incoming president.